If I ever needed an idea for a hike, Doug Smith was there -- in person, through an email or leaving a
voicemail. It was like that in September 2002.
"If you are looking for a new trail to hike, come on out and check out the one we are working on behind the
new Kohl's in Manchester," he said.
Doug Smith was always one of those trail heroes for me. The chairman of the Hockanum River Linear Park
committee since it was created in 1970, he helped to build and maintain 16 miles of trails along the
often-forgotten Hockanum River as it snakes through Ellington, Vernon, Manchester and East Hartford.
According to his obituary, the Hockanum was his "life's passion."
Of course, I came out and joined Smith to check out the trail behind the new Kohl's and wrote a column about
it. I actually jumped at the chance to join Smith because he was never wrong about the beauty of the Hockanum
even where it ran through heavily developed portions of Manchester.
Now, nearly 16 years later and after he died last year at age 89, I returned to the trail for the dedication
of Doug Smith Island. A sign at the entrance of what is known as the Oakland Trail says: "For 45 years, Doug
Smith worked tirelessly to restore and maintain the Hockanum River and the hiking trails along its banks. Enjoy
this island that he loved."
For years, Smith led a group of volunteers — mostly retirees and senior citizens — in creating and
maintaining the 16 miles of hiking trails along the river. When they weren't working on the trails, they were
building dozens of benches and planting thousands of trees. The work sessions usually were held in the morning,
followed by lunch at Manchester's Chez Ben Diner.
During the dedication Friday morning, current Hockanum River Linear Park Chairman Jon Mercier, a longtime
friend of Smith's, thanked the 50 people who came out. He said Doug would have been pleased by the attendance,
but would have put everyone to work. He also said the island has become a memorial area where trees are planted
in honor of volunteers who pass away.
"This was one of his most favorite places," he said, calling Smith the "heart and soul" of the effort to
showcase the Hockanum.
Jeff Feldmann, another member of the committee, urged people to take a few minutes and walk the mile-long
Oakland Trail or the total two-mile loop and "enjoy the beauty of the island Doug loved so much." Steve Gates, a
member of the Manchester Board of Directors, read a proclamation from Mayor Jay Moran honoring Smith for his
"many years of dedicated and selfless service."
"My dad was a very humble guy," daughter Cynthia Smith said after the ceremony. "He would never have allowed
this while he was living. But this is beautiful and I think he would be OK with it."
As Smith and I walked back from exploring the island in 2002, a great blue heron walked slowly underneath a
trail bridge 10 feet from us.
"Having spooked just about every great blue heron I've ever seen in the wild, it was quite a sight to see
this bird walking carefree along the Hockanum River before disappearing around a bend," I wrote.
As I walked the trails after the ceremony Friday, I met up with a group of women on the banks looking
upstream. "We think it's Doug Smith," one of the women said to me. I followed their gaze and saw a great blue
heron — one of the biggest I've ever seen. It seemed to watch us for a few minutes and briefly flew into the
water, looked around again and then flew off upstream.
I ended my 2002 column with a quote from Doug Smith. Now, 16 years later, not only do the trails endure,
but also Smith's spirit and his timeless message.
"We are sort of the eyes and ears of the river," he said. "If anything happens, we will know about it.
We've waited forever to finish this loop and we are going to make sure it's protected."
For Smith and his band of volunteers who continue to work on the trails, it was — and still is — a job well
done. Showcasing the natural world sanctuaries along an urban river is not an easy thing to do. And four towns
along its banks are better for it.
Kohl's is at 155 Tolland Turnpike in Manchester. Visit
www.hockanumriverwa.org/LPCM_Oakland.htm for
a map of the Oakland Trail.