HRLPC Home Special Projects


The Hockanum River Linear Park Committee adopted a Memorial Tree Program in 2000 and has planted an evergreen tree in memory of each departed Committee member since that date.

To date, trees of various types have been placed at a variety of riverside trail locations. In addition, Lucy Falk has planted daffodil bulbs around each tree, in memory of her husband, Wayne.

These memorial trees are not identified with plaques unless the families choose to do so.

The photographs below show some of the tree plantings over the years and their growth to date.

Up-to-date information on our deceased members, when they passed on, and their tree plantings, can be accessed by clicking: Memorial Information.

Webmaster's Note: The Town of Manchester accepts donations from anyone interested in buying a tree in memory of someone. Plantings on our trails are an option as part of the Town's Memorial Tree Program. In this regard, the Hockanum River Linear Park Committee welcomes any donation to buy a tree: the donor would have to pay whatever the full price our Committee might be charged, and the donor and Committee might plant the tree jointly at locations mutually agreed upon. Plantings are best in Spring and Fall.

Trees will be on public property along Committee maintained hiking trails and can be placed near some of our many sitting benches facing the Hockanum River in Manchester. Our trees usually cost us under $100 each. Our HRLPC generally prefers evergreen trees like White Pines and other pines and it also prefers flowering trees like Flowering Crabapples, Dogwoods, etc.

> For information on the Memorial Trees Program of Manchester, please click here or call 860-647-5235 and ask about the Memorial Tree Program.

> For those interested in planting a tree along one of the Hockanum River trails, please contact Doug Smith or call Doug at 860-402-9908.

Click on any of the photo icons below to "walk" through a photo gallery of HRLPC Memorial Trees.